BMI must be 30 to qualify for some prescription medications.
If you are on ANY OTHER stimulant medication (i.e. meds for ADD/ADHD) you CANNOT get a stimulant prescription from us. Also, If you are on Vivitrol or Suboxone, in order to prescribe you weight loss medications we need a letter from your addiction provider saying they agree.

What to expect
Your first appointment, please arrive early to fill out all of the necessary forms for your treatment.
All clients should be prepared to be weighed at every appointment. It is our policy that clients must be weighed in a t-shirt and shorts at every appointment. If you do not comply with this policy, your provider may refuse to see you and may forfeit further treatments.
Clients must show adequate weight loss at every appointment to be continued on weight loss regimen.

How will treatment be determined?
Federal guidelines for medical weight loss will be strictly followed at each appointment.
We expect that clients will be honest and documents must be signed stating that clients are honest with our practice and that Rivergate Medical, LLC will not be held liable for client dishonesty.
Rivergate Medical, LLC reserves the right to discontinue patient treatment at any point during the health and wellness management period.

What Clients need to know
Some clients will need to bring records from their Primary Care Provider proving recent blood work has been obtained and is safe for medical therapy.
If this is not available, we may need this to be done before providing treatment.
We follow Federal Guidelines and if clients do not meet these guidelines, treatment can and will be denied and/or discontinued.
If clients have any medical issues that could potentially be affected by weight loss medications, our providers will not proceed with further management. These clients will be referred to their Primary Care Providers for further management.